Tryouts - a teen comedy about first kisses and second chances.
LOGLINESchool play auditions become the ultimate challenge when sixteen year-old Violet, a shy, anxiety-ridden bookworm, realizes she must face her first kiss on stage.
When Violet, a shy 16 year-old, decides that she is going to “get over herself” by
trying out for the school play, her best friend Gwen joins her to watch auditions.
When they get there, Violet realizes that she will indeed have to perform a
kissing scene from Romeo and Juliet with none other than resident theater hunk,
Cole Donovan. With strict drama teacher Mrs. Fairfield and drama club queen
bee Arden Davis closely watching, stage fright is taken to a whole new level.
When she’s called up to the stage, will Violet have a major meltdown, her first
kiss, or both?
Violet O'Neill
wallflower on a mission
Violet is a sweet and shy bookworm who suffers from frequent anxiety attacks. Like every high school girl, she's constantly hoping that romance will pull her out of the boredom of her routine, but she knows she'll have to conquer her fears first.
official BFF
Gwen may not be the most popular girl in school, but her enthusiastic (if somewhat misguided) efforts to help Violet come out her shell make her a great best friend.official BFF
Arden Davis
drama club HBIC
Arden, Cole's obsessive girlfriend takes everything- her relationship, high school plays, her own good looks and budding career as an actress- way too seriously. It's her senior year and she's determined that she and Cole will play Romeo & Juliet in the school production.

Cole Donovan
all-purpose heartthrob
Equal parts jock and drama-club hunk, Cole is a friendly, charismatic guy who enjoys coasting through high school- and doesn't mind making out with Arden, either.
under-the-radar Romeo
David likes living the low-drama life on the fringe of high school society. Sincere, charming, and sometimes awkward, he's a music kid/piano player who could probably use a little more excitement (and social interaction) in his life.
Shakespeare's biggest fanA former beauty queen who became a drama teacher when her acting career didn't work out, Lois is passionate and zany. Kindhearted and firm, Lois takes her theater department very seriously. Depending on her mood she'll be as kind as a fairy-godmother or as strict as a drill sergeant.